Annual LGBT Community Survey 2015

Annual LGBT Community Survey 2015

The LGBT Football Network supports the Annual LGBT Community Survey 2015.

Please take part in CMI’s Annual LGBT Community Survey 2015.
Participation in this survey gives important feedback to our LGBT community media and organizations, and provides valid data to companies interested in serving the LGBT community, sponsoring our charities, and supporting their LGBT employees.
The CMI LGBT Community Surveys have had as many as 45,000 participants from 150 countries!
Everyone who completes this survey by May 31st, 2015 may enter into a drawing to win one of ten US $100 cash prizes (or you may elect to have the prize donated to a charity of your choice). The survey should take 10 to 12 minutes to complete.
CMI respects your privacy! Community Marketing & Insights is an independent LGBT owned and operated research company, founded in 1992, based in San Francisco.
CMI will never use the research panel for marketing purposes, and CMI will never sell or rent the research database.
You will not be added to our research panel without your express permission.
And don’t forget to forward to your LGBT friends, and post to your Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts!


We want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to be counted.

Thank you very much!

The survey is available in ENGLISH and SPANISH.